Maret 02, 2013

Topo Map Love Cake

Topo Map Love Cake (Kek alunan kasih)

250gm butter
250gm sugar
5 medium eggs
300gm cake flour +1 tsp baking powder
125ml evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp strowbery paste
Cocoa powder for creating the topo lines (I used approximately 3 Tbsp)

1. Cream butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.
2. Beat in eggs, one by one, beating well after each addition.
3. Sift half the flour into the butter mixture and beat on low speed until well combined.
4. Mix in the evaporated milk until well combined.
5. Sift the balance of flour into the mixture and beat on low speed until combined.
6. Divide the batter to two. Mix vanilla extract to one part and srtowbery paste to the other.
7. Preheat oven to 160(fan)/180C. Prepare a 8 inch pan, lined at the base.
8. Spread 1/2 the strawbery batter (or vanilla whichever you prefer) into pan. Level it.
9. Evenly sift a thin layer of cocoa powder over.
10. Very very gently dollop half of the other colour over and gently level it. Repeat the sifting of cocoa powder.
11. Repeat layering with both colours, with the final layer clean (no cocoa powder on top).
12. Bake for 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Bolu Kukus Pelangi

  Resep Bolu Kukus Pelangi
  • 500 gram Gula pasir (bisa dikurangi dikit klo ga suka manis)
  • 500 gram Tepung Terigu serbaguna (segita biru)
  • 5 butir Telur ayam ukuran besar ( kalo kecil 6 butir)
  • 1 Sdm SP
  • 1 kaleng Sprite 250ml
  • Pewarna makanan
  • Siapkan kukusan, panaskan.
  • Campur semua bahan jadi satu, Mikser dengan kecepatan tinggi (+/- 15 menit)
  • Setelah adonan kental siap dibagi menjadi 6 warna, beri pewarna +/- 3 tetes atau sesuai selera.
  • Tuang adonan berselang seling dalam cetakan yang sudah dialasi cup kertas.
  • Kukus +/- 15 menit.
Note: Tambahkan pasta spt pasta moka atau pasta buah2an biar rasa dan aromanya lebih enak dan wangi ;)